Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tips for a Perfect Holiday

Looking out of this busy schedule of yours and spend time with your family? People often dream of a holiday resort with white sand, blue beaches, palm trees, and so on. But travel, or even planning a trip can be more stress. So many things must be taken into account before planning ideal holiday - accommodation, places to see, What to buy?,… Here are some tips to make your holidays unforgettable.

Set a budget: Before chalking out a plan for the holidays, the most important thing is to set a budget. It helps you to plan and enjoy the journey within your limits. Still estimate a little more than what you might need.

Plan Ahead: The first thing you need to do is to be sure what you need this trip. Do you want to experience the local culture or simply have fun on the sandy beaches? Do you want to mingle with the local population or fade away and occupied people in the world? Strategize your trip according to your needs and personal taste.

Read Up Before You Go: Prepare yourself before plunging into an unknown holiday destination. Buy a good guide and read on the culture, history, local attractions of the destination. You can read local publications online or surf the net for more information. The more you know, the better you can take advantage of the place or to assess and their traditions.

Pack Light and Right (To Pack Essential Things): Avoid carrying unnecessary things around. A heavy baggage can sometimes hinder your holiday spirit. Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate to the season. As much as possible try to stuff everything you need in a single carry-on bag.

Always Book your stay: It is always better to book your stay if possible because you need is a good night's sleep after an exciting day.

Have realistic expectations: unreasonable expectations can lead to unwanted stress, and therefore enjoy the holidays managing what you can with the time you have. Embrace every moment, whether good or bad.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Proven Way to Save Money for Holiday

Traveling is probably one of the most enjoyable things people can do. There are a lot of wonderful places in the world to visit. The problem is that many people want to travel, but can not do so because of budgetary constraints.

During the holidays, many people want to travel abroad to be with their families or friends. Others want to spend their holidays in places they have not been to the. Given the chance, people would go if they have the money to spend for it. You worry because there were more proven ways to save money for the holiday.

Save money and the promise not to touch

First and foremost, make a commitment that whatever money you save for your holiday travel will not be affected either past or what happens. You can open a savings account at the bank of your choice, or just to save money in your piggy bank. Take a look at your income and decide whether you can allocate a portion of it for your savings for the holidays.

Saving money will be much easier for you if you have already planned how you are going to spend your holiday travel. You should not fall short of that amount. In fact, it would be better if you save more than this amount so you do not have to worry about your budget while traveling.

Sale items

Another effective way to save money is to have a yard sale. It's like hitting two birds with one stone. You are in a position to eliminate clutter in your house and you have a chance to win from such undesirable elements at the same time. To ensure that you are going to be to get rid of these items, sell them at low prices or at an affordable price.

You can also try to join an online auction site. You just have to first look into the points that are sold in these auction sites.

Adjust your family budget,

The time has come to determine whether or not you spend on unnecessary things. Check your family budget and find ways that you can save. For example, you and your husband are accustomed to buying your coffee in a cafe near your place every weekend. Instead of spending your hard-earned money for it, why not make your own coffee at home? You will not be able to save thousands of dollars but, in so doing, each amount you are able to keep adding to your savings for your vacation travel.

Working Hours

You can ask your boss if you can afford to work overtime or extra shifts to make more money. You may have to give up your free time to allow you to work longer hours, but you should be able to save more. If this is not possible, you can create other jobs in your spare time. You can sit in front of your baby's neighbor children, their own homes or in their cars in exchange for a few dollars.

The name of the game here is the sacrifice. You must learn to sacrifice your comfort and your free time to get a greater reward, which is eagerly awaited your vacation travel.

Friday, March 21, 2008

5 Resolutions Romantic Travel

A new year always means a chance for a fresh start. You and your family can start the new year by making some resolutions travel together, regardless of your time and budget restrictions. Put aside old habits of travel and make new! Let this be the year that your travel plans to concentrate on the fun, fantasy, and festivities!

(1) We are going to make a real plan vacations. No, it need not be a cruise around the world in first class or getaway (but if you can afford it, what do you expect?) It must be honest to goodness vacation, though. No cell phones, no laptops. Mark the dates on the calendar and keep it like you want to keep any business appointment. The activity of romantic travel, it is a fun and an activity that you can plan for months.

(2) We will engage each other in the planning of trips. Too often, one partner is working on planning a trip ... And this task quickly becomes a bore. Plan your trips together! Anticipation is half the fun. Visit a travel agent. Collect brochures. Buy a guidebook. Rent a video about your destination. Search the Web for information.

(3) We are going to do something that we have never done. Here you can be as sweet - or wild - as you dare. Go whitewater rafting. Rent a barge. Take a hot air balloon ride. Spend the night in a local bed and breakfast. Learn to scuba diving. Dance all night under the stars. The choice is yours.

(4) We will be holding a mini-vacation every month. Whether it's for the night or just for the night, a plan of a piece of vacation each month. The only rule: you must pretend that you are on vacation. Book one night in a local bed and breakfast. Call your local hotel and discovering their non-peak nights (in business-oriented cities, it is usually on Friday and Saturday) before planning a short romantic getaway.

(5) We will spend at least one festival. Special events are held almost every community around the world. Whatever your interests - from square dancing to sandcastle building - and you will find a party with one or two days of fun and food. If you do not have the time or the budget to go far, the contact area chamber of commerce or tourism offices within a day's drive of your home for their calendar of events. If you can, to extend your trip in a long weekend. If you have the time and resources, visit some of the major festivals of fun: Carnival, Mardi Gras and Carnival. Do not forget your costume!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Vacation Travel Guide- Get Ready To Travel

Traveling to go on vacation to other country be a great experience. It s a difficult matter to accustoms self with foreign language, legal system and another matters. Therefore when want to go on vacation to other country so you necessary planning and guidance.

Health and safety is important matter in makes a vacation. Whenever you will make a vacation with your family or alone is best for you to be careful about your health because human body is very sensitive with new environment immediately.

If you’re going to abroad, certain points should be kept in mind like:

1. Check your visas & passport . Fill the emergency information page of the passport carefully.

2. Study consular information sheets or travel warnings for the city where you want to visit.

3. Learn carefully all rules & regulations of foreign country.

4. Be familiar with local laws and customs of the country where you want to travel.

5. Make at least two photocopies of your passport to avoid the harassment in case your passport is lost or stolen. You should leave one copy of your passport in your relative or friends’ house where you’re live in.

6. Make a list about your journey or the places where you’ll visit during foreign travel and leave a copy of it at your home so that your family members can easily contact you in case of emergency.

7. Contact regularly with someone at your home.

8. Don’t spend time at unknown places.

9. During your foreign travel don’t accept things from strangers and don’t handover your luggage to a stranger.

10. Register yourself with your consulate/embassy before departure.

11. Don’t wear expensive jewelry or clothing due to safety reasons.

12. Don’t carry large amount of money and extra credit cards with you while traveling.

13. Try to deal with authorized agents only at the time of exchanging money.

Here are some health related instructions that are very much important while traveling to another country. Carry some medicines and medical supplies that you’re using regularly because it’s very difficult to find certain medicines in other country. If you find that vary medicine it is not sure that the formulation will be same. It can easily cause allergy or other bad effects to your health.
You should be careful about your meal while traveling. Try to follow a healthy diet chart that will help you to be fit & fine. Carry a written copy of your medical history that includes all information about you like:

• name, address & phone number
• blood type
• vaccinations
• name of your doctor and doctor’s address & emergency phone numbers
• copy of health insurance that describes your policy number
• a list that shows your current health problems like heart disease or diabetes
• record of all allergies
• an alternative phone number instead of your parents’

Don’t forget to carry a first-aid kit with you. While focusing on these guidelines you’ll enjoy your travel and feel relax during your journey.